Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Earthquake Safety Procedures

An earthquake is a natural disaster which occurs when the surface of the earth experiences some kind of shaking and vibration. This happens when the plates of the Earth move together, putting so much pressure on it that it causes the breakage of the earth's crust. Sometimes, volcanic activity can also give rise to an earthquake too. Whatever be the reason of the earthquake, it not only has the ability to destruct and damage buildings, houses, electric poles, trees, etc. but also to take the lives of living beings. Hence, it is important for people to know about earthquake safety procedures which will help them to be safe during an earthquake. Hence, take a look at some of the earthquake safety procedures for kids as well as adults. Know more about what causes earthquakes.

Instructions on Earthquake Safety Procedures

One of the main reasons due to which people lose their life during an earthquake is because they get panicked. Though it is very difficult to remain calm when the earth under you is shaking, it is very important to do so, to ensure that you and your family are safe. So, here are some tips on earthquake safety procedures which will help in preventing any major disasters during an earthquake. Read more on earthquake safety tips.

Earthquake Safety Procedures: Home or Office
  • If you are inside your house or office when the earthquake begins, do not try to run out of the building. This is because it has been reported that most of the deaths are caused when people try to move outside the building.
  • When you start experiencing the vibration, the first thing that you should do is to get under a sturdy bed or table. Other than this, it would also be a good idea to cover your head and face with the help of pillow, newspapers, blanket, big boxes, etc., to protect yourself from falling debris.
  • Another thing that you have to remember is that you should stay away from china cabinets, tall shelves, mirrors, huge furnitures, glass windows, sliding doors, etc., during an earthquake. This is because the shaking and vibration can cause them to fall or topple. More on earthquake survival kit.
  • As I said earlier, it is best to avoid trying to run out of the building. However, even if you do so, never use the elevator during an earthquake because the electricity may go off, leaving you stuck in there.
Earthquake Safety Procedures: Outdoors
  • If you are outdoors when the earthquake strikes, the best thing that you can do is to stay at a place till the earthquake subsides or stops. However, make sure that you do not stay anywhere near walls, buildings, lampposts, garages, power poles, etc.
  • Most of the times, during an earthquake, there are chances of power lines falling. In such circumstances, make sure that you do not stamp or drive you car through fallen lines. You should remember that fallen power lines are not dead, rather they have the potential of causing a severe shock.
  • If you are driving your car when the earthquake occurs, the best thing that you can do is to stop the vehicle at a safe place. Even here, you have to make sure that the car is nowhere near a building, tree or wall as there are chances that these things will collapse. Make sure that you stay inside the car till the earthquake stops because as the car is a good shock absorber, it will keep you safe.
You may like to read more on: These are some of the earthquake safety procedures that you have to be aware of. One important thing that parents have to do is to teach these safety instructions to their kids. By any chance, if the earthquake occurs when the children are alone at home, they have to know the methods to protect themselves from it. I do hope that you find this article on earthquake safety procedures to be useful as well as informative and will make use of them correctly, if the need ever arises.
By Deepa Kartha