Thursday, 24 March 2011

Effects of the Asia Tsunami on Tourism

By Darren Cronian

A tsunami struck out of nowhere going down in history as the most devastating earthquake killing over two hundred thousand people. The coasts of South East Asia had been building popularity with Europeans when this occurred, understandably so tourism dwindled down after this, but not for long.
Some of the more popular vacation spots that were affected the most were Sri Lanka, South India, Thailand, and Indonesia. After the tsunami struck most locations started planning ideas or events to bring tourism back. They knew the travel industry would be affected and wanted to make sure it did not last long.
Sri Lanka one of the hardest hit places came up with an idea they called "Io Vado A Sri Lanka". What they did was get a group together of more than two hundred and seventy people consisting of the Italian media, tour operators and retailers and they toured the island. They visited all their interesting sites on the island.
The idea was that the Italian media would share their experience on the island and would be encouraging people to come visit at the same time. When the tsunami struck South East Asia the tourism industry lost billions of dollars. Immediately after the tsunami the government was encouraging vacationers to stay away from the areas affected.
Fortunately the travel industry was not going to stand for this. They have been working hard since the Tsunami to regain their visitors. Shortly after the Tsunami the Association of Southeast Asian Nations intensified their marketing to gain tourists again. They began to encourage the government to help them assure travelers that this tsunami was an isolated event, something that just does not happen. There was one good thing that came out of this tragedy. With all the media coverage on the tsunami more people became aware of these ideal vacation destinations.
One other thing the travel industry has been doing and will continue doing is giving advisory updates. They are informing the necessary sources of the conditions and improvements of these destinations and encouraging people to visit. By giving updates this will help get tourism back to 100% on the beautiful coasts of South East Asia.
Fortunately for everyone tourists have begun to realize that a tsunami of this magnitude is rare, something that happens once maybe every hundred years and they are not letting it scare them away from enjoying a piece of paradise.

Surviving a Spiritual Tsunami

By Steve Wickham
Platinum Quality Author
Wondering what we'd have to do to stay safe if a real life tsunami were to hit - given that we'd have to be coastally located - and the only worthy protection would be to climb to higher ground; that which is also sturdy enough not be swept away.
This is actually a terrifying thought.
Anyone who's seen the opening chapters of Hereafter (2010) will have some concept of what power the water surge carries with it. Holding on would be little good, for the flow would continue longer than we could keep our breath, besides we'd be susceptible to being hit by items flowing with force toward and past us.
Letting go would also be forlorn because all sorts of unknown hazards lurk, and we'd be travelling with the water's flow faster than we could think or respond.
A terrifying thought is also a reality that we'd be completely out of control. When we imagine such physical energy and force we're quickly reminded just how vulnerable we are, and just how big God is.
Our spiritual lives are also susceptible to being swept away with the flow of fear throughout life, for fear is normal, but overwhelming fear - for most of us - is just a distant threat. Life would need to turn dramatically and unexpectedly against us. At times it does. There's always the threat.
Losses in life throw us into spiritual crises. Often we're forced to review our spiritual bases, as we cling to, or repel, God - after the shock has worn off. Many, many people - when thrust into hellish situations - run hard away from God, because they rationalise that, "How could a loving God do such things to me?"
Their hurt polarises them. It seems the natural response, but it - as a response - is a ticket to an even worse degree of hell, if that could possibly be conjured.
Loss is one obvious example of causation where the spiritual crisis approaches and attends. But there are also others, including unseemly anxiety. The cause is less important than the response is.
Despite our instincts to moan and wail we're better to think on our feet and just do what's required to get to higher ground. Like a real tsunami victim, it could be our only chance.
The difference with the spiritual tsunami is God's grace allows for us to make poor decisions and still have plenty of opportunities to turn around and face life (and God) again. But higher ground is the only way we'll survive, so we can later thrive again.
The trouble is, and we need to bear this in mind at the time, we're required to make a sensible decision at a time when all sense for reason has gone out the window.
Still, higher ground is necessary for survival during times when life has become untenable lower down. That safe higher ground is in the lap and will of God. We go there in faith.
Copyright (c) 2011 S. J. Wickham.
Post Script: It is difficult to approach such topics, for the depth of loss suffered by those connected to the Boxing Day 2004 and Japan 2011 tsunamis cannot be measured. We cannot make light of these events and we should also be careful in capitalising on opportunities so as not to use them as springboards for anything insensitive to the victims. My intent here is to honour, somehow, the victims, firstly by highlighting our human vulnerabilities in the midst of such tragedies, and secondly by attempting to resolve what are often seen as insurmountable issues. For, with God, all things are possible (Mark 9:23; 10:27).

How Dangerous Are Tsunamis, Really?

By Peter DD Vizard

Since 2004, when the first big Tsunami occurred, we all realize how dangerous a Tsunami can be. Tsunamis are mainly caused by lifting sea floor and transferring the energy to the water. They can also be caused by underwater volcanic eruptions and even landslides.
Thousands of people lost their lives and the coastal areas were completely destroyed. The problem with a Tsunami is nobody can predict when and where it happens.
Even a strong earth quake under the sea is not predicting how much power the wave has, when the Tsunami travels thousands of kilometers on the ocean surface to an island or continent.
Even today the U.S. Geological Survey is not able to tell us the potential risk level of a Tsunami. They have data of the earthquake, but they can only assume the danger of a Tsunami. Since the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, we know how difficult it is to predict a Tsunami and its strength or direction.
Except for the largest Tsunamis in 2004, only a few Tsunamis have giant breaking waves. Often small Tsunamis are coming to the shores and are seen as strong and fast-moving tides.
Small Tsunamis happen every day. They are very often to far away from land or they are too small to have any effect when it hits the shore.
Researches provide information that The Pacific Ocean is creating most of the worlds Tsunamis. This is because of many existing volcanic undersea eruptions and overlapping sea plates. For example other countries are affected many hours later, when a large Tsunami occurs at the deep sea of South America.
Many scientists are working hard to install a global warning system for predicting Tsunamis, but the equipment for detecting and measuring dangerous Tsunamis is not giving enough data to provide good advice.
In any case it is better to warn the population, even when the waves are small and not noticeable as a Tsunami.

The Economic Effect of Japan's Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster

By Mark W. Medley
Diamond Quality Author
On Friday, March 11, 2011 at 2:46 pm, a 9.2 earthquake struck off the coast of Japan. This lead to a chain reaction of events leading to a tsunami, and a nuclear disaster as one of Japan's power stations leaked radiation. What are the global effects of these three disasters?
1. Higher Energy Prices
Energy prices are soaring because of the fear that the current unrest in the Middle East is affecting the global supply of oil. The disaster in the Fukusima power station highlights the need for Japan to now import traditional energy sources to replace any energy produced through its nuclear facilities- which will add to more demand for natural gas, and oil.
2. Infrastructural Renewal Projects
Both the earthquake and the tsunami have badly damaged much of Japan's infrastructure. Obviously a rebuilding phase would mean a government with a high debt problem, would have to invest in the reconstruction of those areas affected by this triple disaster. This could become the responsibility of the corporate sector, who dominate Japan's economy.
3. Banking and Insurance Losses
Whether Insurance companies pay out billions of dollars of claims due to the the earthquake and tsunami, remains to be seen, but the "man-made" nuclear disaster could become their liability. Japan's global banking and insurance industries may be forced to reinvest at home, depleting any global investments outside the nation.
4. Change of Government?
Before these three disasters, ordinary Japanese had lost their confidence in another scandal hit government. How the government reaction to these three disasters, and the subsequent rebuilding process, could change the public perceptions of their leaders- but in the long term, we could see more changes inside the top echelon of the Japanese government.
5. Environmental Perceptions
After the nuclear disaster in Fukusima, many people are questioning the wisdom of building nuclear energy plants in a quake zone. Depending on the radiation levels, and the area contaminated, a worldwide reaction to the use of nuclear energy could result in the ending of the Obama nuclear energy program in the USA, and even France's ambitious energy program.
6. Money Markets
Japan remains the worlds third largest economy, but also like the United States, one of its biggest debtors. The value of the yen could fall, as banks spend on reconstruction projects, whilst the Government may be forced to raise taxes to pay for them. Some large Japanese corporations may cancel or put on hold overseas projects, re-investing these funds in rebuilding the areas affected by the earthquake.
7. Asian-Pacific Growth
China has the money and the economy in this region, but Japan is a second player in economic terms. Japanese companies invest in much of South East and North Asia, whilst the government often sponsor education & training programs in the region. Japan's contributions in the area, could shrink, leading to some fears of reduced growth.
The natural disasters of the earthquake and tsunami, have led to the man made nuclear disaster, and destruction of part of a high tech nation.. Japanese are resilient, inventive and industrious people, and should overcome the hurdles of reconstruction. However this does have a short term effect on the global economy, and a long term effect on the future of the nuclear power industry.

Are Tsunami's Caused by Global Warming?

By John O'Hara

Throughout the history of our planet it has endured a constantly changing climate. It endured an ice age and has also experienced long periods of heat. But over the last two hundred years, give or take, the temperature of our planet has been steadily increasing. This change in the climate on earth is known as global warming, and global warming is the direct result of the industrial revolution.
Because of the industrial revolution, people are constantly burning fossil fuels such as oil and coal. But by burning these fuels dangerous greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) are then released into the earth's atmosphere. These gases block heat rising from the earth from being able to escape into space. The same basic function that glass panels on greenhouses have, hence the name. Our burning of fossil fuels causes more than three quarters of all carbon dioxide emissions. Power plants and other stationary sources contribute more than half of that amount.
Along with increasing CO2 emissions, deforestation is on the increase as well. This is disastrous, because trees recycle CO2 and release oxygen back into the atmosphere. Because of the rise in deforestation levels the fossil fuels we burn are seriously jeopardizing our planet. We know that global warming is the cause of glaciers getting smaller and for the rise in sea levels. Plants and animals show clear and undeniable signs that they are affected in many different ways. Earth is experiencing longer seasons which results in rivers and lakes freezing later than usual and melting sooner. Without a doubt, global warming causes many changes and affects our planet in many ways but can it also cause a tsunami?
Nobody will ever forget the utter destruction, grief and loss left behind after the huge tsunami that hit parts of Asia on December 26th, 2004. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed, injured and traumatized. The areas it hit were left completely destroyed.
Generally speaking a tsunami is made up of a series of waves. More often than not the first one is the mildest. Prior to the arrival of the first wave, the shoreline recedes dramatically and often leaves the ocean floor exposed. They mostly occur where the water is shallow but they can also occur around coastal areas. In deep water a tsunami appears as a big wave and nothing more. In shallow water this is not the case. The wave can reach as high as one hundred metres, although, in all honesty, this is not at all common.
We know that tsunami's can be caused by an earthquake, but this is not the only cause. They can also be caused through volcanic eruptions and landslides. Another cause is if a large amount of water is somehow displaced, such as when meteors happen to fall into large bodies of water. Tsunami's are caused by events that can be, and are, affected by global warming, however global warming itself does not directly trigger the formation of a tsunami. Basically, it is an indirect cause.
One thing is certain, global warming is not a myth as some suggest. The planet is displaying clear signs that we dare not ignore.

Tsunami Defined

By Joe Upsurge
Platinum Quality Author
Tsunami is a Japanese term that describes a large seismically generated sea wave which is capable of considerable destruction in certain coastal areas, especially where underwater earthquakes occur.
In Japanese, "Tsunami" means "Harbor Wave" or "Wave In The Harbor" It is now internationally accepted as the term that defines a "Seismic Seawave."
In South America, the term "Maremoto" is frequently used to describe a Tsunami.
Tsunami is pronounced: (sue-NAM-ee)
Tsunami's have been incorrectly referred to as "tidal waves." A tidal wave is a non-technical term for a shallow water wave caused by the gravitational interactions between the Sun, Moon, and Earth (high water is the crest of a tidal wave and low water is the trough).
Tsunami's are formed by a displacement of water. This can come from the slippage of the boundaries between two tectonic plates, volcanic eruption, under-water earthquake, or even landslides.
Out in the open ocean, Tsunami's might only be 1 meter in height, but as it reaches the shore in shallow water, it can rise to heights of 15-30 meters or more. Think about how a normal wave comes into a shore: the water moves away from the shore and then comes crashing back. This movement "heightens" the destruction power of a Tsunami.
Tsunami's can also reach speeds ranging from 400 to 500+ miles per hour... about the same speed as a jet airliner.
The enormous energy that a Tsunami can possess allows it to travel across entire oceans. They often proceed as an ordinary gravity wave... having a 15 to 60 minute intervals.
From a destruction perspective, Tsunami's have cost not hundreds of thousands, but millions of human lives over the recorded history of Earth.
Sources: U.S. Geological Survey & Pacific Tsunami Warning Center

Article Source:

TSUNAMI The Next Big Wave:The Grandaddy of Them All

By Roseanne Van Langenberg

A few days ago on Melbourne's 60 Minutes, renowned scientist Dr Kerry Sieh predicted the guaranteed next big wave or giant Tsunami will definitely happen, and it will be the Grandaddy of them all.
Indonesia gets the full force this time around ... When?... whether it be in a few months, or in a decade is all Dr Sieh cannot accurately predict at this present moment.
Kerry Sieh, a Geology professor at the California Institute of Technology, knows Indonesia's earthquake zone like the back of his hand ... and he did in fact predict the first earthquake that hit parts of Indonesia on Boxing Day. Now he predicts another Tsunami will hit, and this will be the grandaddy of them all!
From Melbourne MSN Channel 9's Sixty Minutes Richard Carleton explains why the earthquakes and ensuing Tsunami's occur:
RICHARD CARLETON: Dr Sieh's focus is on the faultline, 5000km long, where moving plates of the earth's crust grind against each other. The plate under the Indian Ocean slides beneath Indonesia, much like the disappearing stairs on an escalator. But some sections get stuck and then later snap upwards, releasing gargantuan force.
DR KERRY SIEH: The plates get hung up and they can't slip past each other, so the upper plate gets dragged down as this plate sinks and with it, the islands get dragged down, slowly but surely, and when the earthquake happens, they pop back up and out.
RICHARD CARLETON: And that's what happened last Boxing Day. The quake jolted the mainland so violently that people were thrown to the ground.
What a pointless waste of life! ... Dr Sieh warned the governments concerned ahead of time, he even went down personally and alerted inhabitants of the affected villages in Indonesia to protect themselves against the Tsunami he just knew would happen ... but nobody paid any attention to him ... now when he walks into these same villages, he is welcomed and treated as a hero !
From his 14 satellite research station, high in the mountain tops of the humid Indonesian jungle, Dr Sieh now predicts the next Tsunami will hit:
.. and the precise location .... right opposite the city of Padang in Indonesia ... inhabitants: 1 million people!
Repeat: All he cannot pinpoint is when ... this disaster could be in months, the next decade or in a hundred years!
The city of Padang is base for Australian surfers who go there to surf the waves of the Menwawais ... where some of the best surfing breaks in the world may be found .. as an Australian citizen this is startling news.
Geographically, the city of Padang would have difficulty dealing with a high tide, the devastation caused by the grandaddy of Tsunamis is incomprehensible.
Imagine a mere 15 minute warning before the earthquake ..
... and then the waters of the giant Tsunami gushing down the streets of Padang, just like it did in Banda Acheh washing everything away in its stride ..
... a moving torrent of cars, oil, broken trees and precious human life!
My call to all my fellow Marketers, the Search Engine Optimization community, Retail colleagues and anyone who reads this post: do everything in your power to reach your readers in Indonesia, particularly the city of Padang, they need to take heed and make adequate provision, to stop the pointless human slaughter this time around.
Whether this be in the form of lobbying your local Government bodies, or through local press release, we must help this time, before the devastation of this giant wave; the grandaddy of Tsunami's takes away more precious human life.
But above all do this in a responsible manner .. causing wide spread panic amongst unworldly village inhabitants or your worldwide audience will not help at all.
Melbourne's 60 Minutes at MSN Channel 9 has the whole story including a video of the interview available at their site . The video version is half-way down the page. Due to the ever changing nature of News, I cannot guarantee how long this link will be up.
Whilst this news is hardly topical for an internet marketing and search engine optimization Blog, as a parent the irreversible damage to our environment has me greatly concerned ... please do whatever you can to stop this alarming trend.
Entire article available at:
Marketing Defined on the next big Tsunami
Copyright 2005 Marketing Defined. All Rights Reserved.
This article may be reproduced in its entirety, with no alterations. The resource boxes, live URL's and Author Bio must be included.

Tsunami Warning Signs

By David Willis

Awareness of Tsunami Warning Signs is vital when travelling through or living in tsunami prone areas. An earthquake is a natural tsunami warning. If you feel a strong quake, do not stay in a place where you may be exposed to a tsunami. Listen to the radio or television for any information or alerts. If you are subscribed to TsunamiSMS make sure your mobile phone is always switched on and that the ring tone is loud enough to hear, even when you are asleep. If you have not yet taken the precaution to subscribe to TsunamiSMS, click here.
Witnesses have reported that an approaching tsunami is sometimes preceded by a noticeable fall or rise in the water level. If you see the ocean receding unusually rapidly or far it's a sign that a big wave may be on its way. Go to high ground immediately or make your way at least five kilometers inland.
Remember that a tsunami is a series of waves and that the first wave may not be the most dangerous. The danger from a tsunami can last for several hours after the arrival of the first wave. A tsunami wave train may come as a series of surges that are five minutes to an hour apart. The cycle may be marked by a repeated retreat and advance of the ocean. Stay out of danger until you hear it is safe.
A tsunami surge may be small at one point of the shore and large at another point a short distance away. Do not assume that because there is minimal sign of a tsunami in one place it will be like that everywhere else.
Stay away from rivers and streams that lead to the ocean.
Subscribe to a Tsunami SMS Warning System to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Some Facts About Tsunamis

By Gina Capatar
Platinum Quality Author
We have all recently been under immense shock on what has happened in some of the regions of Asia last December 26, 2004, just a day after a joyous Christmas Celebration on the paradise-like place of Phuket and on the island of Sri Lanka. It was a great tragedy with the toll of dead people reaching about 135,000 now and left many of people injured, homeless and struggling to survive.
Here are some of the facts that you may want to know about Tsunamis:
- Before the first wave of the tsunami hits, the shoreline recedes tremendously and it may even expose the sea or ocean floor and leave a bounty of fishes dry. If you happen to see this, never let your curiosity get the better of you and immediately run to higher ground.
- A tsunami can be a series of waves and mostly the first wave is the less intense of all.
- Tsunamis only affect shallow waters or coastal areas. When tsunamis hit the deep areas of water, it just comes off as an average big ocean wave. The Physics of tsunamis indicate that as it travels into shallow water, its height increases even reaching up to a hundred meters (100 m) in height in extreme cases.
- Earthquakes are not the only causes of Tsunami, Tsunamis can also be generated from meteorites falling on a large body of water, a volcanic eruption, landslide or from any occurence that displaces a large amount of water.
- Animals domestic or wild can almost detect approaching tsunamis. As observed from the Tsunami that hit last Dec. 26, 2004, the statistics of animals that were affected by the Tsunami were very very small and even negligible compared to the human casualties. Scientist and animal experts attribute this to the keen, attuned and senstitive senses of animals as compared to humans.
- Tsunamis can also be earlier detected with a Tsunameter, a device that can detect an approaching Tidal Wave. Unfortunately, only a few countries could afford this device. Sri Lanka has considered of aqcuiring one but that project was not pushed through.
These are just a few facts that you may want to know about Tsunamis. Tsunamis are deadly and may cause destruction of lives, properties, and even an entire place. The best weapon against this kind of unprecedented and unstoppable occurence is a well educated and well informed public so that even if properties may get washed away, lives may still be saved.

Tips to Prevent Earthquake Damage

By Stewart B Johnston

Earthquake is the result of seismic activity of an area that suddenly releases energy. It usually occurs within a period of time and come in several waves. Earthquake is a common earth activity that can cause damage to house and furniture. It might even cause deaths to human and animals. Preventing the earthquake is kind of impossible to be done by the common people. But, preventing the damage of an earthquake is not impossible to be done by the common people.
There are several things that you can do to minimize the damage of an earthquake. These things cannot be done in half way because every little mistake can cause big damage. You might regret it later if you do not care about your own safety. I assure you to rearrange your house in order to prevent the earthquake damage.
1. The first thing that you can do is to secure your furniture. Avoid buying fragile furniture because it would mess up if it cracked. Fragile furniture like glasses might hurt you if it falls down and broken into tiny pieces. You need to rearrange your furniture as well in order to prevent them from falling down or turning over.
2. Tighten your plumbing appliances to avoid leakage. It has to be done especially for the appliances that are connected to gas pipes. You have to store all chemicals and other dangerous liquid in a safe place like in the cabinet. Do not forget to shut the cabinet tightly. It is to prevent any damage caused by chemicals and dangerous liquids. Liquid gas is one of the examples of dangerous liquids that could cause fire.
3. The last thing that I suggest you is to keep fire extinguishers in reachable places around your house. Earthquake might cause fire from the spilled dangerous liquid, electricity problems and so forth. As explained before, hazardous liquid like liquid gas might cause fire if static electricity occurs. Many other things also possible to cause fire because we never know what would happen in such a life-risking time. Therefore, you need to have fire extinguishers at least one in your house and more for larger house.
From all the tips I stated above, I hope that you can start rearranging your home in order to prevent earthquake damage. This article is made for you who live in an area that has frequent earthquakes. If you do not live in such risky area you can also follow my tips because we never know what might happen to us.

Watch Mother Nature at Work

By Irsan Komarga
Mother Nature is powerful, and can deliver a series of storms so powerful, that nations will collapse. Although here in Texas, we mainly deal with drought, which causes crops to whither away, costing farmers and major food stores, to look for other sources of food.
Drought causes entire rivers and lakes to dry up, killing fish and wild animals as well, because there is a low source of water and food available to them. This in turn causes the economy to fail as well, because people cannot survive without a source of food.
Business start to close down and people start to lose their jobs, because product sales are down to their all time low. Just thank about this for a minute, the earth not having enough rain could cause all of this. Therefore, what do you think an earthquake would cause.
Well let us discuss earthquakes for a minute shall we, earthquakes can cause considerable amounts of damage to buildings and roads. Therefore, this causes many people to suffer sever injuries, and are many of the reasons why there are so many deaths in the United States and other countries.
In addition, if the roads are, damaged as well then firefighters and paramedics will have to go another way. This could cause more people to die, because it takes the paramedics and firefighters to long to get to the scene of the accident.
Therefore, after an earthquake has occurred, many people that survived the earthquake start to lot and still belongings from building that suffered the earthquake. Then police start to move in, and within a matter of minutes, they have a riot on their hands. People begin to fight one another in the streets, and as a result, more people are injured and some are even, killed.
By now, you must be thinking to yourself, how a person could prepare for a disaster like this. Well if you live in a big city that is, known for having earthquakes of hurricane, you will constantly need to stock up as much food as you can. In addition, this food needs to be able to last a while without being, placed in a refrigerator. As well as bottled water and plenty of blankets.
Many people have storm cellars that they can go into when a storm is coming and that is were you would be safe from any disaster that Mother Nature decides to throw at you. Therefore, if you do not already have one you will need to get one built as soon as possible in order to survive Mother Nature's wrath.

The Causes and Consequences Of Earthquakes

By Connor R Sullivan
Platinum Quality Author
Earthquakes are caused by sudden movement of rock along broken surfaces. Thousands of earthquakes occur in the world every year and a number of these are not even noticed by most people. Some earthquakes are slight while others are strong and have damaging impact on buildings and the lives of people. Earthquakes are the most unexpected natural disasters and when these happen people do not even get time to save their lives. Many buildings collapse as a result of earthquakes and many people get buried under the rubble.
Earthquakes have become a fear for many people and to accommodate this many construction companies are building structures which can withstand earthquakes to a certain degree. For this purpose, it is essential to seek advice from a geotechnical engineer. Geotechnical engineering experts have vast knowledge of plate tectonics and are able to analyze rocks and soil. Their advice could be helpful in constructing structures which will lessen the effect of natural disasters like earthquake.
In a single year, earthquakes ruin thousands of homes and kill millions of people. They occur naturally on the earth's surface due to the movement of plates which are located below the earth's crust. The vibrations arise at the epicenter and that is where the maximum destruction occurs. The vibrations caused by the earthquake have the potential to cause massive destruction and even ruin entire cities.
Earthquakes occur due to two reasons. Firstly, it occurs when a volcano erupts suddenly and secondly due to the movement of plates which can happen due to cracks in the plate or crust waves. Moreover, earthquakes can also arise on the ocean floor and produce ground movements. In the recent years, majority of the earthquakes have occurred at the boundary of the continental plates of North and South America, South Asia and Pacific Ocean. It is believed that stress on the boundary of the plates creates pressure towards the middle and leads to movement of the Earth.
The major consequences of such natural disasters are the loss of human life. The location and magnitude of the earthquake is a major factor which determines the number of lives that will be lost and the number of structures that will be damaged. A huge number of deaths can be caused by collapse of structures which were constructed from heavy and weak materials. Other economic and social consequences include trauma, cost of damage, loss of jobs, loss of housing, business interruption, waste of energy and material.
However, companies and agencies nowadays are implementing strategies as to limit the effect of such natural disasters to some extent. These planning include minimizing the use of land that has already gone through ground damages, shaking, landslides and fault rupture. Their basic aim is to reduce the number of lives that are lost each year due to earthquakes and disasters related to earthquakes and to reduce the damage done to structures and the natural environment. To achieve these goals, many countries are building structures which can withstand the devastating effects of earthquakes.

Karachi: on top of EarthQuake Fault Lines | Pakistan Earthquake ...

26 Oct 2005 ... Hi im 13 years old and i have a project on the pakistanian earthquake it is a major help and i have no flipping clue what caused the ...

Japanese Earthquake Causes Internet Security Worries

By Louise Goldstein
Platinum Quality Author
The Japanese earthquake has resulted in a tsunami of scams flooding the web. This terrible tragedy has been the target of many internet fraudsters who are capitalising on the disaster. The whole world's eyes are on Japan after the massive earthquake with many thousands of people killed and homeless. Everyone is interested in the latest developments on how the people of Japan are coping.
This interest is the reason behind the massive increase in online scams which have been created by cyber criminals for their financial gain. There have been a number of Facebook videos and websites set up with pleas for donations. There are going to be many people who want to help out in whatever way they can. If you want to donate to make sure you only donate to legitimate sites which you have heard of like the Red Cross. This will ensure your donation gets to those who need it and not the heartless criminals trying to make a quick buck.
The Japan Earthquake is not the first time cyber criminals have used donation sites to steal money and it probably won't be the last. If you want to donate to charity online there are a few things you can do to make sure you only give to genuine charities. Do not click on links which request money through unsolicited emails. If you are driven to a charity site check it is an official charity and not a dummy one.
You can check the legitimacy of a charity site by checking the domain age, scam sites will be newer. You can also search for the name of the charity online and see if the site you are presented with is the same as the one you are on. Cyber criminals will go to great lengths to fraud consumers and can set up dummy sites which pose as official charities.
Internet security firm Symantec reported there were more than 50 domains with the keywords 'Japanese tsunami' and 'Japanese earthquake' within hours of the disaster happening. Be vigilant over the next few months as there will be arise in the number of phishing and spam which will be requesting a monetary donation to help those who have been affected.
Tips To Protect You When Donating to Charity Online
  • f you receive unsolicited email requesting charitable donations do not click on links or open attachments even if the email appears to be from an official charity
  • Check to see if the site you are on is a fake. Site sites which you arrive at through search engines can still be illegitimate. Scammers can falsely improve rankings very quickly by automatically building millions of links very quickly. Google can take a few weeks to uncover and ban these sites so the criminals can make money very quickly before getting found out.
  • Only donate to charities you have heard of
As well as emails scammers have been using pop-ups to request credit card details for making charitable donations. Social media is also being used with videos of the tsunami on Facebook linking to sites that drive people to take online surveys. The scam takes users to a fake YouTube site which tricks people into liking the Facebook page helping to spread the scam further.

Earthquake causes

Earthquake causes. Question: How do earthquakes happen? janet l flood Answer 1: Do a search of the general and environmental sections. ...

What Causes an Earthquake?

By Kum Martin
Platinum Quality Author
Earthquake is one of those natural calamities that can be predictable yet inevitable. We all are familiar with the word earthquake and relate it to the condition when the earth starts shaking and vibrating. What is the basic cause of an earthquake? Volcanic activities that are frequent; and the movement of tectonic plates under the crust of the Earth is the reason behind the occurrence of earthquakes.
Let us find out more about the types and some more reasons of earthquake.
The first thing to know is that the Earth's crust is made up of solid core, molten magma mantle and the tectonic plates. All this constitutes the Earth's crust. These plates are moving continuously because of the convection currents of the molten lava in the deep layers of the Earth. This results in either the plates sliding against one another, or moving away from one another. Well, all such massive movements inside the Earth's crust are felt by the living organisms, including humans. Mountains and the valleys have been formed due to this continuous movement below the Earth's crust. There is a meeting point which is basically a point of friction between two plates. This meeting point, in geological terminology, is referred to as earthquake fault line. Sometimes these are also referred to as fractures on the Earth's crust. Once the plates start moving, the potential energy, also referred to as the stored energy, is let loose from the point of intersection, called hypocenter. This results in earthquakes.
Earthquake occurs in three waves. These waves are namely P-waves, the high frequency short length longitudinal waves; S-waves, the secondary high frequency, short length transverse wave; and the L-waves, the low frequency, long wavelength transverse waves.

Japanese Earthquake Causes Internet Security Worries

By Louise Goldstein
Platinum Quality Author
The Japanese earthquake has resulted in a tsunami of scams flooding the web. This terrible tragedy has been the target of many internet fraudsters who are capitalising on the disaster. The whole world's eyes are on Japan after the massive earthquake with many thousands of people killed and homeless. Everyone is interested in the latest developments on how the people of Japan are coping.
This interest is the reason behind the massive increase in online scams which have been created by cyber criminals for their financial gain. There have been a number of Facebook videos and websites set up with pleas for donations. There are going to be many people who want to help out in whatever way they can. If you want to donate to make sure you only donate to legitimate sites which you have heard of like the Red Cross. This will ensure your donation gets to those who need it and not the heartless criminals trying to make a quick buck.
The Japan Earthquake is not the first time cyber criminals have used donation sites to steal money and it probably won't be the last. If you want to donate to charity online there are a few things you can do to make sure you only give to genuine charities. Do not click on links which request money through unsolicited emails. If you are driven to a charity site check it is an official charity and not a dummy one.
You can check the legitimacy of a charity site by checking the domain age, scam sites will be newer. You can also search for the name of the charity online and see if the site you are presented with is the same as the one you are on. Cyber criminals will go to great lengths to fraud consumers and can set up dummy sites which pose as official charities.
Internet security firm Symantec reported there were more than 50 domains with the keywords 'Japanese tsunami' and 'Japanese earthquake' within hours of the disaster happening. Be vigilant over the next few months as there will be arise in the number of phishing and spam which will be requesting a monetary donation to help those who have been affected.
Tips To Protect You When Donating to Charity Online
  • f you receive unsolicited email requesting charitable donations do not click on links or open attachments even if the email appears to be from an official charity
  • Check to see if the site you are on is a fake. Site sites which you arrive at through search engines can still be illegitimate. Scammers can falsely improve rankings very quickly by automatically building millions of links very quickly. Google can take a few weeks to uncover and ban these sites so the criminals can make money very quickly before getting found out.
  • Only donate to charities you have heard of
As well as emails scammers have been using pop-ups to request credit card details for making charitable donations. Social media is also being used with videos of the tsunami on Facebook linking to sites that drive people to take online surveys. The scam takes users to a fake YouTube site which tricks people into liking the Facebook page helping to spread the scam further.

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How-To - Buy Homeowners Insurance - Earthquake Coverage

By M Siddique
Platinum Quality Author
At first glance, it may appear that we are hitting up obscure topics by covering earthquake coverage when discussing buying homeowners insurance. Ostensibly, it might certainly be the case; in the continental United States, on a state-by-state basis, only a few folks may have the need to buy homeowners insurance with earthquake coverage. To the majority of people, when they are thinking of buying homeowners insurance that would cover earthquakes they think of California. As California is only one state out of 50, why would we write an article of such an obscure nature?
Consider just the single state of California for just a second. California alone, separated from the rest of the United States, has a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which would push Canada off the list of the G-8 nations! Of course this does not include other states in the same time zone (Alaska, Oregon and Washington). According to Wikipedia, of the total US population, more than 12% live in the state of California. So it's worth looking at a single state impact.
Given that, both Gudrun and Tcat agree that while considering the topic of an earthquake when buying homeowners insurance may not be a pleasant topic, and it is an important one!
We feel this is important because the standard homeowner's insurance policy does not cover earthquakes. This means if you do not buy homeowners insurance covering this natural disaster, you still owe on the mortgage - for a house that might not even be habitable. So the question becomes, what are your options to buy homeowners insurance that will cover an earthquake? California is such a large real estate market; we will look at the state specifically, first.
California earthquakes made the specific type of natural disaster or a political hot potato. So in September 1996, the state legislatures created the California Earthquake Authority (CEA). While it is publicly managed, it is privately funded. However, that does not mean necessarily that buying homeowners insurance to cover earthquakes from the CEA is a great idea.
You may be able to get a better deal buying homeowners insurance covering earthquakes from a policy that is not from the CEA! Sure, we know that sounds crazy at first. So here's the deal. The policy rates for earthquake insurance from the CEA are factored "across-the-board". This is a great deal if you happen to live on the San Andreas or Hayward Faults. Therefore, if you are one of the many that live between San Francisco/Oakland down to Los Angeles area, we suggest you look at a CEA policy first.
And suppose you live in San Diego County? Sure, the San Andreas Fault is in that general region too. And the fall line is about 30 miles west, way out in the Pacific Ocean! If you are even just inland, say, for example in the Escondido district, the odds of you filing a claim for an earthquake are now less likely. Yet when you are buying homeowners insurance to cover an earthquake you are actually subsidizing the higher risk cities mentioned above!
For that reason, if are not in the relatively small, high-risk area for earthquakes, we advise you to look at buying homeowners insurance for earthquakes outside the CEA market! Of courses it is a good idea to check and get quotes from both sides. And we thought you would like a little insight on a good first step. After all, there are more of you in this situation then there are left-handed people in the United States. And the failure to buy homeowners insurance covering an earthquake is a recipe for disaster.
Yo! It's dark, stuffy and hot inside this little box of electronics. Not only that, we cannot hear you when you talk to us. Send either of us an e-mail to tell us what topics you would like to hear about.

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3 Things You Should Know About Earthquake Insurance

By Stan Jenkins
Platinum Quality Author
1. Earthquake damage is not covered by a standard homeowners insurance policy.
Too many people find out the hard way that earthquake damage is not covered by their homeowners insurance policy. A standard homeowners insurance policy will cover your dwelling and your personal property against many perils. Things such as damage from hail or wind during a storm, theft or vandalism, even a car crashing into your house would be covered by a standard homeowners insurance policy.
But some things such as floods and earthquakes are not covered. To be covered for earthquake damage requires that you purchase additional insurance. The premiums for this type of insurance are generally pretty small but the deductibles can be high. If you choose to get earthquake insurance shop around for the best deal. Try to find a policy that offers the most coverage for a reasonable price and be sure to ask about how much the deductible will be.
2. California is not the only place that has earthquakes.
When you hear the word earthquake the first thing that pops into your mind may be California. But California is not the only place that gets earthquakes. Since 1900, 39 of the 50 states have had earthquakes and all 50 states have sustained damage due to earthquakes. Approximately 90% of Americans live in areas considered to be seismically active but a very small percentage of people actually care your earthquake insurance. Even in California where earthquakes are most likely to occur only about 12% of homeowners carry earthquake insurance.
3. Some easy things you can do to prepare for earthquakes.
Many times, especially in a small earthquake, there may be no structural damage to your house but some of your personal property inside the house may be damaged. In addition to property damage people can be seriously injured or killed by large pieces of furniture or other objects falling on top of them should an earthquake occur. It's a good idea to secure large pieces of furniture such as a bookshelf to the wall that they are up against. A few dollars worth of hardware and a few minutes of your time could save your life.
It's also a good idea to have some bottled water, flash lights, canned food, and first aid supplies on hand. If there is an earthquake there could be power outages and plumbing damage and it's good to be prepared for those possibilities.

All Buildings and Homes Should Be Built Earthquake Proof!

By Glenford Robinson

Why should all houses built from now on be built to withstand the shakes of the most violent of earthquakes? All of a sudden we are having very large earthquakes. In fact, we have earthquakes on a daily basis, sometimes 50 per day or 20,000 a year according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). However, their magnitudes are too small for us to feel them, (USGS). In addition, many earthquakes occur in remote areas of the world where people don't live, (USGS). The first big one in quite some time was the one in the Indian Ocean that triggered the largest tsunami in recent memory, which took thousands of lives and destroyed cities and towns.
As recently as May 12, 2008, a massive 7.9 magnitude earthquake shook down buildings and caused thousands of lives to be lost in the Sichuan province of China. In just a couple of months taken from the destruction in China caused by a large earthquake, is the huge 7.0 magnitude trembler in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti--January 12, 2010, the poorest country in the western hemisphere.
Earthquakes occurring in the ocean do not pose a threat by themselves. They are only threatening when they trigger tsunamis; in which case, we cannot do much about. However, massive destruction and loss of lives from earthquakes occurring on land are preventable to a certain extent.
Earthquake-proof constructions should be the norm when erecting buildings anywhere in the world, regardless of whether they are public buildings or private homes. It was said that buildings in Sichuan China where the 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck, were not earthquake proof. This is why such wide-spread damage occurred.
China is one of the richest countries in the world, and they had a tough time coping with the destruction caused by their earthquake. Homes and buildings in Sichuan China were not earthquake proof, so they suffered grave damages. Schools, hospitals, and homes were destroyed in large numbers. Can one imagine the impact that the recent earthquake in Haiti will have on its economy?
The main reason why it is a wise idea to erect buildings that are earthquake proof is that Mother Earth is going through changes that she has always gone through, in regards to the shifting of tectonic plates within the Earth's crust; however, those tectonic changes occurred centuries ago. This is the reason why we hadn't experience them in modern times, until now. Now is the time for those Earthly changes to start occurring again. This is probably the way Mother Earth grows. The Earth is considered living also, in its own way. It has energy that is released each time there is a shift in the tectonic plates beneath the Earth. Why in the past earthquakes cause less destruction than they do today?
In the past, people lived in rural areas of the world. However, as industrialization became the main stay of today's world, people migrated to where industrialization manifests itself, and that is in the cities. Therefore, massive earthquakes in the past did less damage than they do today because there were next to no densely populated areas of the world at that time. However, in today's world, cities are densely populated- a result of overpopulation--Mass exodus of people migrated to inner cities in the quest of finding jobs. This trend of people migrating to cities will not end any time soon.
Large and destructive earthquakes are inevitable and are occurring more often in the world today, so both nature and people are on an inevitable collision course. The loser in this confrontation is people, obviously. Nevertheless, we can be the loser of such confrontations, yet live to tell the tales, by surviving of course. How will we be able to survive the next big earthquake? We know they are coming! In the case of Haiti, large earthquakes have historically shown their devastating effects in years past. Years 1860, 1770, 1761, 1751, 1684, 1673, and 1618 have seen their share of massive earthquakes, (USGS).
Humans will be able to survive the next big earthquake if we prepare. We can prepare for the next round of magnitude 7.0 or 8.0 earthquakes if we build our countries' infrastructure to withstand earthquakes of such magnitudes and higher. We have the technology to send solar powered vehicle to mars, so we definitely have the technological know-how to build earthquake proof infrastructures in our cities, towns, and country sides.
Poor countries such as Haiti would not have the means with which to build special earthquake-proof homes and public buildings, such as schools, post offices, libraries, etc. However, this is where other wealthy countries can give a helping hand by donating funds to subsidize such efforts.
Now is the time to start taking earthquakes seriously and the time to start taking steps in preparing for them, so our buildings and homes can be left standing long after they have come and gone. Large destructive earthquakes will always be with us. They are certainly not going away anytime soon! If anything, they are coming at us fast and furious-Sichuan, China: May 12, 2008-Port-Au-Prince, Haiti: January 12, 2010.